AquABoom – Kingsland
7:30am Grand Parade Staging/Registration
(Line up Packsaddle Elementary School off RR 2900)
8am-8:30am Children’s Parade
(Line up at Buddies, corner of RR 1431 & RR 2900)
9:00am AquaBoom℠ Children’s Parade
9:00am AquaBoom℠ Parade Carnival
hosted by Packsaddle Fellowship Church
(Packsaddle Fellowship Church, RR 2900)
10:00am AquaBoom℠ Grand Parade
11:00am Lake Area Rods & Classics
Car Show, 11th Annual — (Security State Bank)
11am-4pm AquaBoom℠ Annual
Arts/Crafts Show
(1136 Hwy 1431,
Kingsland Community Church)
12pm-4pm Kid’s Activities and Games
(1136 Hwy 1431,
Kingsland Community Church)
12:00pm Patriotic Costume Contest –
Registration & Check-in
12:30pm Patriotic Costume Contest
(1136 Hwy 1431,
Kingsland Community Church)
4:15-5:30pm Boat Parade Check-in
and Registration
(Wakepoint LBJ DOCKS)